
Showing posts from September, 2021

Traditional Leadership Style Versus Modern Day Business Approach

  One of the excellent contributors in the field of leadership, Steve Jobs had a unique style of bringing out the best in people. He used to challenge his team by letting them try their best to convince him about their great ideas that eventually led them to give positive results. This signifies him as a visionary as well as a great business leader. But what makes Jobs an example of an ideal leader. Let’s take a tour of the history to understand the traditional leadership style versus the modern-day business approach. Where do Traditional Leadership and new Leadership Qualities collide? For the last 100 years, humanity has adapted technological, social, and economic reforms willingly and unwillingly. Some sociologists convey that the human race has achieved many great needs while some of them are now recognized as disruptive as well as ahead of time. Integrating traditional leaders into the new technical world is the most challenging part of any leading organization today. Studies ...

Supply Chain Management For Packaging Services: Why It’s Needed?

  Packaging is an integral component in supply chain management. There is the basic functionality of protecting goods from damage. But that’s not all. There is better efficiency in distribution. Its role has also changed the marketing landscape as we know it. Advertising opportunities are plentiful, allowing marketers to communicate with customers. We are talking about logistics, marketing, and production. They all come together in one neat package. Our article further explores supply chain management for packaging services. Let’s dive into the discussion. Exploring the Role of Packaging in the Supply Chain As we have already hinted, packaging has many roles in the supply chain. The first and most important is by fulfilling the protective function. It ensures that customers receive their items in good order. It starts from the very beginning of the logistical operations. Right from when the producer puts the goods in the packaging boxes. The protection continues through the warehou...